Brief Biography by Ben M. Bogard

J. B. Moody was born June 24, 1838, in Clarksvllle, Va. His early life was spent in Virginia and Kentucky. He was educated at Bethel College, Russellville, Ky., and entered the ministry September 17, 1876. Thus it will be seen that he was thirty-eight years of age when he began preaching, but he has developed into one of the strongest men, and is one of the greatest preachers and ablest debaters that has ever lived. He is indeed a pillar of orthodoxy.

He has been a successful pastor and evangelist. He has been pastor of Pewee Valley, LaGrange, Owenton, Paducah and other churches in Kentucky, and of Trezevant, Martin and some smaller churches in Tennessee. He was supply for the Central church, Memphis, for six months. He also served churches in Hot Springs, Ark., San Antonio, Texas, and Tampa, Florida.  These churches have prospered under his ministry, being built up in the faith and strengthened for the discharge of duty.

His strong denunciation of sin has often caused the churches to withdraw from the disorderly. His manner of preaching is such that it is well-nigh impossible for ease-loving sinners to remain long under his preaching without either being converted or driven away. His preaching is direct, doctrinal, pointed and practical.

12 Ws of Baptism

After Death and After Resurrection

The Exceeding Riches of the Manifold Grace of God

Women in the Churches by J. B. Moody