Brother W. E. Best, now with the Lord, was former pastor of a Sovereign Grace Assembly near Houston, Texas.  His books are used with permission.

A Comprehensive View of Romans - Volume I

Christ Could Not Be Tempted by Sin

Christ Emptied Himself

Christ's Kingdom is Future - Volume I

Christ's Kingdom is Future - Volume II

Christ's Kingdom Is Future - Volume III

Diminishing Spirituality In Local Churches

Eternity and Time

Free Grace Versus Free Will

God Forgives Sinners

God Is Love

God's Eternal Decree

God's Longsuffering Is Salvation

Honoring The True God

Justification Before God Not by Faith

Life Brought To Light

Regeneration And Conversion

Simple Faith (A Misnomer)

The Born-Again Phenomenon (A Cover-Up for Heresy)

The Church-Her Authority And Mission

The Saviour's Definite Redemption (Studies in Isaiah 53)

Woman-Man's Completion